David White
Rider HS
Title: Through My Eyes
Project: Students will make use of digital videography to explore careers in production and filming. Students will complete a series of miniature projects that will expose them to the world of film in a way they wouldn’t otherwise receive. They will explore film shorts, documentaries, music videos and video journaling. Through this experience, students will have the opportunity to discover hidden talents and interests that might propel them into a career in video production.
Patrick Tempelmeyer
Rider HS
11th-12th grade
Title: Technology Should Be For Everyone
Project: Every year students are at a disadvantage in AP and Pre-AP Physics due to the mere fact that their parents cannot afford fine quality graphing calculators. These same students are often discouraged from Science Engineering majors due to the fact that calculators that are used in classrooms to take exams will no longer be available at the college level. This grant would supply a quantity of quality graphing calculators to create a calculator scholarship for qualified students. A committee of faculty and administration members would judge the students, based on performance, need and future educational aims. Upon successful completion of the program at the high school level, the students would then be allowed to keep the calculator to help in their continuing education.
Lisa Williams
Rider HS
Spanish 9th-12th Grade
Title: Reading Beyond Borders
Project: The goal of Reading Beyond Borders is to enable all students, including those at-risk, to improve their reading skills in the Spanish language. By reading in the target language (Spanish) the students will develop a more intensive vocabulary and will continue to gain an understanding of the Hispanic culture. Each novel in the series progressively challenges the students in vocabulary as well as in grammar, which reiterate the objectives taught in the classroom. Listening, speaking, and writing activities will follow each chapter and novel. Projects will be assigned at the end of each novel and will include speaking and poster presentations, where students will compare and contrast the Hispanic culture and customs o the American culture and customs. Web based discussion boards will also be incorporated to encourage students to ready outside the classroom.