Taylor Swift's "Fearless" is one of my favorite albums.


Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” is one of my favorite albums.

Excitement abounds as Swift comes to Texas

Era's Tour happening this weekend in Arlington

March 28, 2023

I honestly don’t even know where to begin. Taylor Swift is playing in my ears as I write and the temptation to scream the words to all my favorite songs is difficult to resist.

I have listened to Taylor Swift since I was four years old. The addiction to this country and pop music star all began when I danced along to a John Mayer song with my dad. I said something about the “girl who sings with him,” and a few days later my dad had made me a CD (CDs were cool then).

I listened to the “Fearless” album on repeat and the tracks have not stopped to this day. As Taylor Swift released more and more albums, I constantly listened much to my sister’s annoyance.

Four years ago, during the “Reputation Tour,” I attended my very first concert with my mom. We sang and played the album the whole car ride down. After the concert, I no longer had a voice. I knew every song to that album, and it was one of my favorite nights. I wished I could fly, I was in the best mood.

After her original manager did some very cruel, and what I believe should be illegal, actions to Taylor Swift and her music, she began to re-record all her albums and reclaim her independence as an artist. Now, she is going on tour with all of her music. She is beginning a new era with all of her songs claimed. So, she created the “Era’s Tour” which will be at Arlington’s AT&T Stadium from Friday until Sunday. 

Fans across the world went ballistic as the “Era’s Tour” opened ticket sales. I wanted to go very badly and told my parents “I will literally die if I can’t go.”

Then, something strange and unpredictable happened. The site crashed and millions were deprived of tickets for, who I believe, is one of the best artists in the universe. My parents told me tickets were too expensive anyway.

I was so upset and cried for what seemed like forever. Then I learned that my cousin, Olivia, was one of the lucky ones who was able to purchase a ticket. I was very jealous. Later, I was told my aunt and my little cousin were able to buy tickets.

Jealousy turned to anger and I wanted to scream and cry in the rain as I cursed Ticketmaster’s name. I began to turn insane. Ticketmaster and I began to have problems that turned into bad blood, and I didn’t think we could solve the problem.

A couple months later I turned 18. I had to work at 6:30 a.m. and finally came home exhausted. Just as I was about to shower, my parents told me they had a small gift for me. My mom told me that it was OK if I didn’t like it and we could return it.

I opened it and began screaming in happiness and even cried. I was given tickets to the concerts. I should’ve known my parents were trouble when I walked in because they love to surprise us. 

Now the countdown begins to my Friday concert date. I will be inside AT&T Stadium singing my heart out to my favorite artist. The excitement is building and I cannot wait. For the concert I decided to dress up for the Fearless album since that is what began this addiction to her music.

Everyone there is searching for a sound they haven’t heard before as Taylor Swift says “Welcome to Arlington.” The lights will be so bright, but I will not be blinded. The “Era’s Tour” is waiting.

About the Contributor
Photo of Kylie Davenport
Kylie Davenport, Editor in Chief

Kylie Davenport is a senior at Rider High School and is the Chronicle's editor-in-chief. Going into her second year on staff, she is nervous but excited...

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