While students are kneeling, their skirts or shorts must be six inches from the floor. Want an exception to this rule? Be a cheerleader. If the dress code is going to stay the way it is, then it needs to be enforced for all students with no exceptions.
The dress code is said to be in place to protect the students, but every week the cheerleaders get a break from this protection. However, the dress code is not just for protection. It also cuts down on students being distracted. When students come to class out of dress code, other students notice. Not just because they can see areas of a person that should not be shown, but also because that student has not been asked to change clothes. Most students feel that if they were not abiding by the dress code, they would get in trouble; they feel the school’s enforcement of the dress code or lack thereof is simple discrimination. They’re right.
No other sporting teams wear their uniforms to school, so cheerleaders shouldn’t either. There is an appropriate place for every dress, and theirs is not at school. The cheer uniform should be reserved for pep rallies and football games, nowhere else. If cheerleaders are allowed to defy the dress code, then every student should be allowed to on game days.
A small change would be for cheerleaders to wear their windbreaker outfits or leggings so their uniform fits within the dress code. That way students can still tell who belongs to the cheerleading squad. This small change would be a leap in the right direction.
Too short for school: Cheer skirts call for compromise
October 7, 2011

The student news publishing site of Rider High School in Wichita Falls, TX.