Although there are many other movies that I could rant on that deserve no place within the Oscar’s list, there is one that failed to escape the clutches of this review. The most undeserving movie of the year would absolutely have to be “2012”. While watching the catastrophe of a film I couldn’t help but think I was watching a sequel of “Poseidon” or “The Day After Tomorrow.” In the movie a cruise ship is tossed around by a rogue wave. Sound familiar? It should. This is the exact plot line of the movie “Poseidon.” “2012” didn’t even bother with plot. Instead of a movie about the supposed end of the world, movie goers were “treated” to a catastrophic chain of events that could kill many people and change the face of the earth. This isn’t a tale of trying to survive the inevitable, but instead gathering people on Noah’s Ark AD to survive a massive flood where the earth is still in tact and able to sustain life that can survive the climax of events.
The student news publishing site of Rider High School in Wichita Falls, TX.