If you pass the newspaper room and hear a mix of 70s rock, indie pop and Taylor Swift blaring, that's probably because Davenport is auxing . She loves...
Watch out for these key dates leading up to graduation!
January 31, 2022
Senioritis is hitting hard as we get into second semester. I would know, I was supposed to write this story two weeks ago. To help out all my fellow seniors, here is a checklist of some important upcoming dates so you don’t miss a deadline like me.
Feb. 22: Vernon College Scholarship Workshop
Vernon College will be at the school to assist in filling out their scholarship application. The only requirement is that you have applied and been accepted to the school. The application needs to be done before February 8.
March 11: Cap and Gown pickup
For Cap and Gown pick up, students will be called down alphabetically all day to pick them up. Don’t freak out when they don’t give you the diploma cover you ordered, that is kept by the school to hand you once walking the stage. In order to actually pick them up, however, you must have your cap and gown ordered so make sure to get it done!
April 8: End of fifth six weeks
The conclusion of the fifth six weeks signifies grade-point averages are locked in for graduation. This does not mean the sixth six weeks and finals are irrelevant. Final transcripts are required for most colleges, and if you absolutely tank your grade, they can go in and change it so keep up.
May 2: Top 10 announced
The top 10 of the 2022 graduating class will be notified of their places. Anyone else wanting to know their ranking can check their place as well.
May 25: Graduation Dress Rehearsal
Practice makes perfect. Make sure you are at the graduation dress rehearsal and are keeping up with all other graduation information.
May 27: Graduation
The day we are all (impatiently) waiting for. Rider graduation is set for 8 p.m at Memorial Stadium. Dress code is black dress or black slacks with a white button down, and black shoes. Be on your best behavior, if not, your diploma can and will be withheld from you.
May 27: Senior Safe Night
Senior Safe Night is being planned as you read this. After graduation, the senior class will go to different spots around town for a fun and safe night. Keep your eyes out for more information as the date approaches.
If you pass the newspaper room and hear a mix of 70s rock, indie pop and Taylor Swift blaring, that's probably because Davenport is auxing . She loves...