Dozens of students changing learning environment
Choir students practice social distancing in class
As the first six weeks of school draw to a close, several Wichita Falls Independent School District families have opted for their students to change instructional methods beginning this Monday.
About 100 Rider students will be altering their learning methods for the second six-week grading period, with 69 moving to face-to-face instruction and 32 becoming remote learners. This transition aligns with the administration’s predictions regarding how many Raiders would make the switch.
“We knew we would have movement both ways, and did anticipate there being more students returning to F2F,” Rider Principal Cody Blair said. “There are definitely advantages of both, and both options fit the needs of different students learning in different ways.”
Blair said that Rider students and staff have adjusted well to the alternative learning environment, with teachers “working hard and working together” to find creative methods to include their in-person and virtual learners. More than 400 Rider students began the school year learning remotely.
Six Rider students and one staff member have contracted the coronavirus since the beginning of the school year. Amid the implementation of safety measures and sanitizing procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, these low numbers may be an indication of the school’s success in preventing a widespread outbreak. However, Blair cautions that now is not the time to ease restrictions.
“It can be easy to get a little relaxed at this point, but we all need a reminder to stay vigilant so we can continue to keep students and staff on our campus safe,” Blair said. “We want to be able to continue to offer F2F instruction, and allow students the opportunity to participate in all of their extracurricular activities.”