Under One Roof
Rider foreign exchange students share host family
Sheridan Allen/Rider Chronicle
Mickey Limchitti (left) and Juhye Tak (right) are living together in Wichita Falls.
Before this year, Mickey (Slin) Limchitti and Juhye Tak were separated by 2,311 miles and the South China Sea.
Now, the Rider junior foreign exchange students, who consider themselves sisters, are separated by only a few feet. Tak lived in Seoul, South Korea, and Limchitti is from Bangkok, Thailand. The two girls are now living under the same roof with a host family and adjusting to the differences between their native and American schools.
The girls have a couple classes in common such as Dance 1 and P.E. girls soccer. Tak is also taking art and band.
Both girls mentioned some big differences on how transitions between classes and the beginning of the school day is run in their home countries and in the U.S. Limchitti always started her school day with a prayer and greeted the teacher. Tak didn’t move classes in Seoul, it’s the teachers that transfer between the classrooms.
Tak really likes the food in the United States, preferring salisbury steaks and mashed potatoes. Limchitti loves watching Korean Idol shows on her phone.
“She always has her earphones.” Tak said about Limchitti.
The pair have found it easy to share a room together.
“At first, I thought it would be hard, that I can’t get to know them, but we are friendly so we can communicate easily,” Limchitti said.
However, the two girls won’t be here forever. At the end of the school year, they will be heading back to their families.
Limchitti has an older sister, while Tak is the oldest of triplets. All three are currently in America as foreign exchange students. Her brother, Kwonjun, is in Houston, and her sister, Jueun, is in Tennessee.
Tak and Limchitti plan on keeping in touch and visiting each other in their home countries.
“If I go to Thailand, I will ask her ‘Can I go to your home,’” Tak said. “I will travel with her and I think she can introduce Thailand to me.”
But for now, they’re looking forward to spending the next eight months together, and with their host family Mary and Randall Marsden.